Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Group 2

I have viewed many blogs, and found several that are very informative and quite creative.

Mr. C's class blog is my favorite.  It's a one stop homework shop.  I learned having tools that students can utilize during homework is very important. Students are able to Skye him and call him using google.  In addition, he has a dictionary, translator, typing pal, and keyboarding games on his site.  He also has a podcast that students can subscribe.

If I wanted to set up something simple for homework purposes, Ms. Pikula's Homework page would be a great example.  I feel this would be a good way for parent's and students to know what assignments are due weekly and the guidelines for each assignment.  She also had archived assignments which is good for a student who has been or plans to be absent for a long period of time.  The student could practically complete the assignments while absent.

Adam Weiss' film analysis site helped me understand the importance of outlining rubrics and policies.  He has assignments posted and the rubrics and guidelines foe each. 

Last, Mr. Gould's Chemistry site helped me realize that the blog must be appealing and boring like some sites I viewed. Mr. Gould also posted the state standards and the standards that would be on the state test.  In addition, he had a homework chat room for students and a homework mailing list. 

These four blog sites have inspired me to compile a blog that contains everything I have discussed here!

1 comment:

  1. Educating students on the preparation of job interviews and dress is a very good idea. I would also want to post etiquette and manners in a blog, because a lot of students lack this today, because of the lack of parental involvement. Posting information that will be helpful to students in the real world is a great idea. One other idea that was mentioned was the homework chat room for students. One thing that I have learned while teaching, students learn best from their peers. Having this chat would be great, because it would gives students the opportunity to communicate with their peers while solve homework problems. It also would consist of students with different views given their diverse backgrounds.
    Y. Alston
