Thursday, June 16, 2011

ReadWriteThink and Unit Plans

The units I reviewed can be accessed at the following links:

Twenty-First Century Informational Literacy: Integrating Research Techniques and Technology

The Ten-Minute Play: Encouraging Original Response to Challenging Texts

Help Wanted: Writing Professional Resumes

After reviewing the three units, I have determined that Writing Professional Resumes incorporated the most effective technology.  The plan provided web interactives such as Venn Diagrams and Notetaker to assist the students in thought development.  The unit also provided websites such as Monster and Career Builder so the students can get help building resumes and view sample resumes belonging to applicants.  In addition, it provided a list of suggested online resources.  The techniques and technology unit integrated technology; however, it was strictly software used to create comics.  Unless the student was interested in pursuing a career in the field of writing, it would not carry over to daily living experiences.

Professional Resumes unit was also the most effective in promoting student learning. The unit a plethora of student interaction.  they worked in group and analyzed their own work and the work of classmates.  The instructor also left room for to the student to gain knowledge on their own by providing discussions that involved open ended questions and real world activities such as posting resumes on sites.  the activities learned in this unit will carry over to the things needed to function in society.

Professional Resumes was also the most useful in meeting the needs of diverse learners.  Many sites listed as resources have templates to aid in resume writing.  This is excellent for students who may lack prior knowledge in some areas.  This allows them to use other materials to aid in creating ideas.  Moreover, the class has plenty of peer interaction and analysis of student work.  This will give students who are more hands on the opportunity to work with others to grasp concepts better.  They also incorporate computer time in the classroom.  the students are able to pair with classmates who can assist them in learning skills that are more difficult when done individually.

None of the assessments were really authentic.  If I had to choose one of the three it would be the Challenging Text Unit. This unit allows the student to be critique him/herself, a peer critique, and a critique from the instructor.  Then, they discuss what they learned at the end. The instructor will complete a play assessment rubric on each student.  The students will also complete a play peer review.  The students will write self assessments based on their own reflections and critiques done by peers.  Last, in small groups, the class will reflect on their understanding using a Drama Reflection. 

If I had to choose one of the three units, it would be resume writing.  I love the layout of the unit, and the activities connect with real world activities.  However, I would incorporate more interaction between the students and the real world to provide hands on learning.  I would include a field trip to a job fair so the students could interact with employers after submitting the resumes.  Also, I would have a local business visit the school to discuss what they look for in resumes.  Hopefully, they could critique a few completed by the students.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Unit 8 Readability Checklist

Textbook Strengths: 1) Contains lesson plans and detailed activities making it helpful in planning 2) The textbook is very bright and it has large print making it appealing and fun to look at 3) Content is geared towards lower functioning students who need grade level content presented in a more simplistic format

Textbook Weakness: 1) Some lessons do not provide enough examples to help develop an understanding of the lesson 2) Lessons have too few activities to refine knowledge 3) Written to assume the student understands relationships

Unit 8- Mini 3

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Future of Learning

After reviewing the Digital Youth Project and 2020 Forecast I have drawn many conclusions.  As a child I watched futuristic shows and movies that may one day become a reality.  I envision a learning environment that must be equipped with media centers, hardware, software, and gadgets in order to meet the needs of future learners.  Textbooks will soon be obsolete!  The students will use ebooks and ipods for learning. 

As an educator, I need to utilize more technology to aid in learning.  Create a blog for homework, set up a chat room for discussions, post video lectures for students to discuss, set up an online course room, and much, much more.  I think to myself, I just got three new computers in my class.  This is not good enough.  The world is moving faster than urban school district dollars.  All of my students need an Ipad! We need state of the art equipment in order to prepare for the technological take over.

The title of teachers in the future will be Facilitator.  For we will no longer teach; instead, we will lead students to information and help them explore experiences to develop a stronger self.  In addition to the other concerns of the world, we can add bio-stress to the list.  therefore, we must engage students in exercises that will strengthen the brain and make them thinkers.  We will have to join a plethora of professional communities to enhance our growth. 2020 made a great point about Twitter.  It can be used to follow conversations about current events.  All of this is very overwhelming!  How do we prepare our urban districts?

Interview Dos and Don'ts

How to Use Interview Do's and Dont's

I have posted a YouTube link for Interview Do's and Dont's.  This video will be used to show students how to act and answer questions when interviewing for a job.  The students will learn what to wear and what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate.   The video will be followed with an informal reenactment where the students will pretend to interview for jobs.  This will be done in groups of two, and the questions will be formulated prior to the exercise. At a later date, the students will be required to dress up and conduct mock interviews with myself.  This will be used as an assessment.  I think students learn better when they interact.  Please visit the link below to view the video:

Youtube Video

After viewing the video, I think that education is headed to an error that has never been witnessed by any of us.  I have a great respect for technology, and there are many pieces out there that are truly wonderful.  It is true that technology aides in learning, and the students can become more engaged in lessons with the use of technology.  However, I still have a concern. There are pros and cons to the use of some technology.  For example, in the video, there was a girl holding a sheet of paper that contained words to be alphabetized.  The board read, how will this help me?  Students today use the phone and Internet to find numbers and addresses; however, they can not use the phone book.  Although the world is advancing and everything is becoming electronic, it is important to teach them how to cope without technology.  Will technology have a place in the world forever? I am sure it will, but sometimes it goes down or malfunctions. What will happen then? I think they should have the best of both worlds.  Learn all they can about technology, but know how to cope without it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Using My Blog

My blog is titled Real World Materials, and it will contain exactly what it is called.  I will use this blog as a resource center for students to compile materials needed to transition into the real world.  This includes but is not limited too, resume building sites, job seeking sites i.e. (Monster, Career Builder, Hot Jobs, etc.).  I will also post information such as completing applications, interview skills, how to dress appropriately, interest inventories, and the latest news for employment.

My reason for posting this type of information is simple.  Most students today are not aware of the proper way to complete applications or dress for an interview.  They should know how to register with job finding sites to assist them in seeking employment.  They need lots of help in all of these areas.

I will have my students log into the blog and utilize the information.  I want them to discuss jobs they have found in their interest areas and the criteria to obtain the job.  I will know if the students are having success through class discussions and real world interactions that are a result of the information.

Group 2

I have viewed many blogs, and found several that are very informative and quite creative.

Mr. C's class blog is my favorite.  It's a one stop homework shop.  I learned having tools that students can utilize during homework is very important. Students are able to Skye him and call him using google.  In addition, he has a dictionary, translator, typing pal, and keyboarding games on his site.  He also has a podcast that students can subscribe.

If I wanted to set up something simple for homework purposes, Ms. Pikula's Homework page would be a great example.  I feel this would be a good way for parent's and students to know what assignments are due weekly and the guidelines for each assignment.  She also had archived assignments which is good for a student who has been or plans to be absent for a long period of time.  The student could practically complete the assignments while absent.

Adam Weiss' film analysis site helped me understand the importance of outlining rubrics and policies.  He has assignments posted and the rubrics and guidelines foe each. 

Last, Mr. Gould's Chemistry site helped me realize that the blog must be appealing and boring like some sites I viewed. Mr. Gould also posted the state standards and the standards that would be on the state test.  In addition, he had a homework chat room for students and a homework mailing list. 

These four blog sites have inspired me to compile a blog that contains everything I have discussed here!